A bare wall in a room is a very uninviting feature. If you want to add warmth and have your rooms say "welcome" to your guests. adding some touches to the wall décor will go a long way. There are many wall decorating ideas you can use to achieve this purpose. Here are some great ideas to add some excitement to dull walls.
The first wall decorating idea you can use is to add texture to the wall surface. Outside of the outlandish. but artsy solutions of gluing odd materials. such as gluing straw or paper bags to your wall. you can find some other solutions that are not quite so "out there". A more conventional way to add texture would be to use a textured wallpaper. These come in many different styles such as raised patterns or a linen or bamboo weave designed into the paper. It certainly beats straw or hay.
Another wonderful way to add texture to a wall is to hang an artistic quilt. If you have made a quilt yourself. or if you have inherited an old quilt. this is a perfect way to add texture to the wall while at the same time showing off your talent or that of your ancestors. An element such as this is perfect because it serves the intended purpose while adding a unique touch.
If you have a hobby or interest. this can form the basis for a wall decorating idea. If you have a husband. as I do. who collects antique tools. this can make a lovely wall display. These items are not too expensive to obtain. and they can work all the way up at the tops of the walls. areas that are sometimes difficult to fill. In addition.