now days everything’s being made compact and mini. Is it because the trend? Or is it because the space which is getting smaller and smaller? Or maybe is it working just getting hectic now days and people want to simplify it away and have the rest of the room available to throw a party? Matroshka designed within less than 4 square meters and it’s really compact furniture inspiration, consisting of work station, wardrobe, good comfortable sofa, dining table, four stools, folder storage, double bed, bookshelf, drawer for smaller clothes and all together has 12 seats. It seems in my opinion that designers now days trying to revolutionize and maximize the quality of living, especially for those in really tight minimum budgets. And once again, does a good quality of living have to be made compact and need a revolution? Or do we actually need some resolution?

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (2)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (3)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (4)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (5)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (6)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (7)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture (8)

Revolutionary Compact Matroshka Furniture