Real Green and real clean. If you want just go green and get all the great benefits and performance. It’s something we can all believe in. Robert Harvey Oshatz is another tree house conceptual architect, a landscape artist and a brilliant craftsmen. This project is called Wilkinson Residence which belongs to a music lover. And look what he gets, a house with atmosphere of 6 days and seven nights movie with the flow of music. As you can notice the fundamental of this house is laying upon its wooden structure which is resting on a flat log. The roof is wooden where it floats on laminated wooden beams. Interior is complete and a harmony with wood natural color where the dining room is confined within glass walls. More than a color, green is a commitment. Building a close to nature and green home is a dramatic example of this house commitment and also a proof that there are lots of ways to be environmentally sound without sacrificing performance.
Beautiful Green Scenery
Entrance To Tree House
Serenity of Nature Inside Tree House
Side Roof View
The Living Room
The Lounge
Tree House Living Room View from Outside
Tree House View from Outside