Life is full of color such a story-a fairy tale. Sometimes it goes up and down, like the unpredictable nature of life itself. If you want to capture this life sensation as part of your home furniture collection, you might just find it on the table designed by Jeroen Verhoeven. Other interesting fact about this tale fairy design is it `s massive elaborating production method. The process took three months to perfect. The virtual design was sliced and processed by CNC (computer numerically controlled) cutting machine, working on three, and sometimes five axes. Resulting in perfect curves and undercuts, pushing the boundaries of the technology. This perfect slices and the entire object then assembled and finished by hand.There were only 20 of these made. This unique, artisitic and fairy tale design is suitable for art collectors. This work of art table is worth of collection. Discover your fairy tale life-sensation in this table.
Fairy Tale Cinderella Table
Fairy Tale Cinderella Table by Jeroen Verhoeven