It happened.

on Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello friends.

It happened.

Has it happened to you as well?

You know, the first kids being shipped off to the real world called Kindergarten.

If things keep up @ this pace the girls will probably be getting married tommorrow. Ok not really but that is sort of what it felt like yesterday because time has already flown by. Kind of pulled at my heart strings.

I had to keep remembering back to when I went to school and how excited I would get.....that helped to ease my nerves. This is all about the girls so I would be holding myself back if I stayed all sad for more than a day. So life is good but I need to excuse myself from blogging for a bit.

See you soon.

P.S. - The girls go to a school with a stict dress code and I already want to break all of the rules.

P.S.S. - Been working on a couple projects that I can't wait to share.