wild engines (AKA: Bridge-gee Baby, Wellsinator & Choaney)

on Wednesday, June 23, 2010






Lately have felt a little more outnumbered so we simplified and our little boys 3rd birthday consisted of:

slushies before lunch
cupcakes out of a box (shame on me)
making indian headbands
a teepee & boom box from my parents
cars from husbands parents
new shoes from us
singing happy birthday 3 individual times
lots of smiles
lots of love

Because of the birth of my boys I have benefited greatly. They have helped to learn me a lesson or two...like do not have any expectations when it comes to trying to get their pictures taken. I guess either which way it really didn't matter because Michelle is a miracle worker. I left the photo shoot thinking there is no way she got a decent picture...not for a lack of skills but because my boys WORKED us. I think I love the pictures because not only are they cute but it shows real life. I have three wild "engines" for petes sake so why wouldn't one have a black eye that just happened in nursery two days before pictures and why would they only NOT wear their indian bands and hats for pictures and why wouldn't they feel the need to cry and have only their Momma carry them when usually they want to walk all by themselves and why would one want to keep biting his toy snake and why would we have to try and bribe them to take pictures by throwing suckers in the teepee and telling them to get in.

To say I am so happy to have the above pictures is an understatement...thanks Michelle.