Happy Father's Day!

on Sunday, June 20, 2010



As we departed my parents house on this fine Father's Day, I witnessed what to me is just the norm....my Dad getting the kids all riled up. He is such a playful soul. I reflected back and remembered that was one of the reasons as a child why I loved him so. Now the next generation gets to bask in all of the fun except they see a tall 6ft 5in white haired man and I still see the dark haired handsome Daddy that woke us up with a song and made "potato patutties"....I regret to say there was a time that I didn't quite appreciate some of the Daddyisms that happened back in the day. I must have been pure crazy to not like the song, "So let the sunshine in, face it with a grin", blasted in my ear at dawns early light....and to not appreciate recycled tater tots from that night before made into a delightful breakfast surprise is even more astounding. Man things have changed because I'd gratefully take any one of those things on a platter (platter optional).

I'm pretty sure that Dad ranks as one of the top people to have shaped and influenced my life. Can't say I'd want it any other way really.

I'm also pretty sure that my kids will say the same thing about their Dad (AKA my husband) as well...I already think that he is top notch.

I still laugh @ this picture taken last year...


What a couple of Dads!