{scenes from the weekend}

on Sunday, May 23, 2010


A few snippets from the weekend included irrigating Nana and Baca's yard. It was probably one of the highlights for the girls because when the water came in so did Tom and Elizabeth. Tom & Elizabeth were the cute little frogs that got lots of loving...to put it nicely. We almost had 2 frogs come home with us...that was until I told them that frogs give little girls warts. They then made the right decision and let the froggys free (see how that works). I think the weather helped to keep all of the people in my home pretty happy today...oh and it didn't hurt that church was cut in half and I sat by myself with no distractions. To me that was a welcome way to mix up a very beautiful Sabbath Day.

Oh and I also think that irrigation boots and shorts look REALLY good together...mostly because of who is wearing them.