handbook on how to raise ducklings

on Monday, May 10, 2010


I highly advised against wearing boots in 100 degree weather. She still chose to wear the boots. I guess that is the beauty of free agency. Apparently there is not a handbook that comes with having a child. If there were one then I would need the "How to handle a strong willed child who seeks to have control", for the above child. I'm learning how to pick my battles. Who really knows, perhaps we can channel all of this strong determination into something that would benefit her greatly in years to come.

The below is a typical scene caught in action, it's almost comical if you ask me:


See sometimes it's a fight but the art of distraction always comes to the rescue...like telling children that dinosaurs are taking a nap in the shed behind the children in below noted picture...That got my girl to stop whining and pulling on my dress. It worked so well that the kids haven't stopped talking about the dinosaurs in that shed for days.



Don't think that we didn't have sound effects (roaring) to go with our dramatic play. I'm now wondering if that was immature but how could it be because my Dad did stuff like that all of the time, haha!



I wonder how the Momma and Daddy ducks feel about having five ducklings...

I feel fine about it.

One thing though, I don't think ducks need a handbook on how to raise their ducklings. Just something to think about...I know that is really deep.