How adorable are the above series of pictures with Jenna Lyons and her son. Made me think about how her son picks out her shoes for her everyday. Children are the most brilliant creatures.Also I guess I am not sick of chalkboards because I really...
{via here}this one is a beaut with all of those rugs...amongst a few other items of lovely business.have a great weekend!speaking of textiles I am test driving the below 2 pillows. I am feelinf they mi...
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
There are not enough hours in the day I say.Can't seem to keep on top of things.That's OK though because I just found the most wonderful lacquered trays and boxes from Home Goods that look just like this and that. They are really quite lovely so...
On occasion I get emails from my readers that are coming to visit the The Valley of the Sun wanting to know good places to eat and shop. Usually I just feel like I want to direct all of those inquiries here to the real expert but without a doubt...
However the current foreclosure crisis has made now the perfect time to invest in a beautiful piece of beach front property. In today post I don’t want to suggest you to buy a beachfront propriety, but I would like to show you a collection...
Still from Sydney, Australia, we will be taking you on a architectural frenzy holiday with us to the Queens Park Residence designed and built by CplusC Architects and Builders, an Aussie based architects. The home design itself is based over...